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tietek - Manufacturer of composite crossties for railroad and transit rail
about tietek environmental issues and concerns industry application - class 1 railroad and transit rail tietek recycled composite rail tie composite rail tie spec sheets frequently asked questions tietek news useful Friend contact tietek
environmental issues and concerns class 1 railroad applications transit rail applications our products

Composite Crossties
  • Long life-cyle
  • Resistance to moisture, fungus and insects
  • No preservatives
  • Minimal maintenance
learn more about tietek composite crossties and rail ties

"TieTek is a model of 21st century corporate responsibility and innovation ¡ª recycling plastic, rubber and other disposed products into 100% recyclable crossties that deliver financial and performance benefits for the railroads."

- Bruce Babbitt,
Former US Secretary of the Interior

read more testimonials about tietek and tietek rail tie product

The Market Leader in
Composite Ties

TieTek is the market leader in composite tie design and manufacturing. Our ties have been proven in use on commercial tracks as well as at the American Association of Railroad Transportation Technology Center in Pueblo, Colorado. TieTek™ ties can bring dramatic system-wide improvements in both short and long haul environments as well as in transit rail applications.

Production of 3,300 TieTek™ ties (approximately one mile of track) uses 2 million plastic bottles, 9 million plastic bags and 10,000 scrap vehicle tires.

The durability, safety and profitability of investing in TieTek™ ties has been demonstrated in more than ten (10) years of use in customer applications and over 2 billion (2,000,000,000) gross tons of load on individual ties in commercial track.

TieTek. Our Business is Sustainability.

tietek recycled composite plastic crossties
tietek recycled composite plastic crossties

TieTek is the only ISO 9001 certified composite tie manufacturer.

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American TieTek LLC | 429 S Memory Lane, Marshall, Texas 75670 | sales@tietek.net
TieTek is the only ISO 9001 certified composite tie manufacturer. Exmail