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tietek - Manufacturer of composite crossties for railroad and transit rail
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Our Process


unlike wooden rail ties, tietek composite rail ties are resistant to wear and plate cutting

wood tie installed in 2002 with rail seat abrasion

tietek tie installed in 1998 without rail seat abrasion

TieTek™ composite crossties demonstrate better long-term spike hold and superior performance to other tie technologies.

TieTek™ ties are significantly more durable than wood. They are more resistant to plate cutting, improve lateral strength and show minimal variation in rail gage after over 2 billion gross tons of heavy axle traffic.

TieTek™ ties show the same total track stiffness as wood ties; the total track modulus is the same. TieTek™ ties produce less surface vibration than other ties, producing 8db less vibration than wood, and 14db less than concrete.

TieTek™ ties are easy to maintain. They do not require specialized installation or maintenance equipment, and can be completely intermixed with wood ties in operating environments. Using existing equipment and procedures, railroads can quickly and easily upgrade to TieTek™ ties, improving performance and driving down operating costs.

Finally, TieTek™ ties are more economical, safer and easier on the rest of your equipment. They improve the performance and drive down the operating costs of an entire rail system.

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American TieTek LLC | 429 S Memory Lane, Marshall, Texas 75670 | sales@tietek.net
TieTek is the only ISO 9001 certified composite tie manufacturer. Exmail