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tietek - Manufacturer of composite crossties for railroad and transit rail
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Our Process

Our Product

Increase Productive Track Time and Reduce Costs with TieTek™ composite ties

TieTek has developed a high-performance, long lasting composite crosstie with an estimated lifespan of over 40 years. The ties install like wood, are extremely strong, and are impervious to weather, moisture and other harsh environments. They are unaffected by fungi, insect damage and are highly resistant to wear. These characteristics enable TieTek™ composite ties to deliver superior long-term economic benefits, improved track performance, reduced operational costs and bring a positive environmental contribution.

composite rail ties stacked high at the marshall texas manufacturing plantplant

Primary Benefits of TieTek™ Ties

Better System Economics

Significantly reduced maintenance, longer tie life, minimum disposal costs and reduced rail down time all contribute to the economic benefits.

Improved Track Reliability

TieTek™ composite ties have been shown to improve track performance over time. They are not susceptible to plate cutting or decay, and they hold spikes and screws very well, so they maintain gauge on both straight and curved track over millions of gross tons of load, increasing track reliability and safety.


TieTek™ composite ties are 85% recycled material. Each mile of TieTek track uses approximately 2 million plastic bottles, 9 million plastic bags and 10,000 scrapped vehicle tires instead of consuming over 750 trees.

Why accept the additional long-term costs and liabilities of chemically treated wood ties when there is a better option?

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American TieTek LLC | 429 S Memory Lane, Marshall, Texas 75670 | sales@tietek.net
TieTek is the only ISO 9001 certified composite tie manufacturer. Exmail